Last Day of Run For Dylan: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:33:00

This day was a pretty special day. Other than this day was the day I got a year older, but also was the last day of my 35 days of adventure and the last day of my RunForDylan charity. I just realize that I was blessed that I could do what I do; financially, physically and mentally. I had been doing ultra trail running for more than one year and a half. Despite running was good as an exercise and life challenge, but I found that running was also a pretty selfish activity, specially ultra trail running. I would say half of my life these couple of years was dedicated for myself, my running, and those stinky running shoes. But this day when I did my last run for RunForDylan charity, I felt a new meaning of running. I felt I could give back to community. In this case was for Dylan and any other kids who suffers The Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ib. On the top of it, running this charity gave me more courage and put more effort to finish my race or trek. So many times when I was in Mont Blanc, I thought I wanted to quit, I wanted to turn around and went back to my comfy zone, but I did not. RunForDylan reminded me that I could not give up on her. And my big hope that someday I could witness Dylan would run a marathon(s) or even ultra, who knows.

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RunForDylan Charity Run: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:15:00

Running: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 08:20:00